“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalms 23:5
Reality is a strange thing. It is solid, dependable, sometimes beautiful, sometimes plain hard and sometimes all this together.
Reality right now means having to live life at a slower pace to others while the world rushes past. It means taking time to rest when desiring to go outside and have fun with friends and family. Reality is the test results we did not want to have but are staring back at you in black and white, unchangeable and solid as a brick in the face. Reality can tell you that you are no longer what you were before that life changing event occurred.
But reality does not have to define you! You are more than your reality. What do you do then when faced with cold, hard, and ugly reality? Today, we decided to celebrate despite it. To dance on top of it and to sing a praise of victory to God instead.
Psalms 23 says that He lays a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil and my cup overflows. It also says that His goodness and mercy hunt me down all the days of my life. Surely that is a cause for celebration!
So today we choose to celebrate. Today we sing over injustice and laugh at reality. Today we decide that the reality of our situation does not define us. We choose that today’s reality is no more than the solid springboard we need to take us to where we are destined to be.
Be real. Accept reality but do NOT be defined by it!