What Is A Christian?

What is a Christian? Just a way of life or something more?

People who have accepted Jesus forgiveness and chosen to follow him are called Christians. But what does this really mean? 

A Christian is a follower of Jesus. Simply put, it means the person has accepted Jesus’ Lordship and his forgiveness (see more in this article). In response to this we choose to live a life that honours him and his ways and teachings.

Christians believe that through accepting Jesus lordship and forgiveness we have direct access to God and can enter into a personal relationship with him. This means we can converse with him and receive guidance for our lives from him. We also believe that Jesus power lives in us and flows through us into the world. We believe that everything we do should bring glory and honour to God. His power poured out into the world is not for our own glory or comfort, but to showcase his love for the world and his desire for all humankind to be reconnected to him.

Christians Follow Jesus’ Teachings

Christians believe that the bible is not some archaic rule book for boring people to follow. A list of dos and don’ts that turn you into a moral robot and suck the joy out of life. Instead, we believe that the bible is a book following the story of a loving God who has always done his best to guide a wayward and rebellious people. It charts the story of how God continuously came to the rescue of his people, despite their consistent disobedience and disregard of his instructions. 

The bible is jam packed full of God’s hope and promises for his people. But these promises are often accessed through choosing a life very different from the way the rest of the world lives. Christians choose to live this way because we know it is the best way for our lives.
For example, most children would love to eat unhealthy food over healthy ones. But as parents we know that a healthy diet and exercise is important for growth and development. A child cannot see further into their own lives and the impact an unhealthy lifestyle could have on their future. Parents guide their children into making right lifestyle choices to improve their future. It’s the same with following Jesus’ ways. Choosing his ways does not always seem like the exciting option in the moment, but the impact of choosing his ways every day has a huge impact to your future self. And this impact brings such glory to God.

Christians don’t follow the bible’s rules for fear of making God angry. We follow it because we know these ways bring life.

But Why Does This Even Matter?

But why does this stuff actually matter anyway. Because Christians don’t just believe that Jesus purchased our forgiveness and freedom by dying on the cross for us and rising from the dead (read more about that here). We believe that he’s coming back too.

The Bible teaches that Jesus is coming back to judge the world by His standards. Christians believe when he returns, he will bring all his followers to him again in a new heaven and new earth. A place so perfect we can’t get our heads around it. He doesn’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity. Those who have chosen him and follow his ways will be reunited with him. But those who don’t will receive the consequences of their actions.

In choosing to follow his ways now, and telling others about his gift of salvation, his power is displayed through our lives. This brings glory to his name and displays his salvation offer to others who have not yet heard about it, or chosen his way themselves. God’s plan is that no one will stand before him and say, “but I didn’t know.” Our lives as Christians are part of his plan of ensuring every person gets the opportunity to choose him too.

Faith To Believe

When a person becomes a Christian, (see how here) and accept Jesus forgiveness, they choose to follow his ways. We don’t believe this obedience earns us any extra favour points with God, we follow because we understand that his ways are higher than ours and he sees more than we do. We understand that his rules are for our best, not to restrict our lives. Instead, the lifestyle choices we make enhance our lives in ways unimaginable.

Christians believe that the salvation Jesus offers us brings the unity of heaven and earth back into place, and it’s through this that God’s power can be fully poured out into his world.

We believe that Jesus is coming back to judge the world by His standards. Those who have chosen him and follow his ways will be reunited with him. But those who don’t will receive the consequences of their actions.

Why Do We Do This?

We believe that God loves the world so much. It pains him so much to be separated from us that he found a way to be reunited with us again…if we choose it.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 NIV

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