Becoming A Christian
How become a Christian and say yes to Jesus
The bible is pretty clear that becoming a Christian is not about following a set of rules in order to earn God’s favour. Being “good enough” does not earn you brownie points with God that can be exchanged for a ticket to heaven later – if you have enough.
Ephesians 2:8-9 is pretty clear on that point.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no-one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 NIVUK
To become a Christian, you don’t have to say a special prayer or have a specific person do a ceremony. Instead, the Apostle Paul explained in his letter to the church in Rome the very basics of becoming a Christian. It is simply a matter of declaring with your mouth (ie. saying) that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart (ie. having faith) that God raised him from the dead. Becoming a Christian and choosing Jesus is a declaration made out loud in faith about a decision you have already made in your heart.
“if you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9 NIVUK
Choosing Jesus Means Surrender
Something profound happens when accepting that Jesus is Lord. In accepting Jesus’ Lordship, you agree that you are no longer in control of your life and that there is a power over you that is greater than you are. It is an act of surrender to God. This surrender is not made in fear and does not bring fear. Realising that a loving and powerful God is looking out for your best interests brings such peace and comfort to the soul. You no longer have to do this life alone and hope you’re getting it right. Jesus takes that pressure off your shoulders and you get to follow him instead.
But merely following Jesus ways does not bring you the forgiveness and closeness to God you need. That’s just trying to earn those brownie points again.
Choosing Jesus Is Choosing Forgiveness
Jesus death in the cross for you is what brings forgiveness. Part of accepting his Lordship is accepting his forgiveness. But how can you accept forgiveness if you haven’t acknowledged you’ve done things wrong? Acknowledging our wrongs and mistakes before God, and expressing our sorrow for these actions is called repentance. In accepting Jesus forgiveness you acknowledge that you’ve made mistakes and wrongs in your life, and that those mistakes and wrongs have caused a separation between you and God. It’s not about blame shifting or using excuses for your behaviour.
Repentance is being real and honest with God about your life. Nothing is too bad for God to hear. He’s heard it all before and He’s already aware of it. But there is such freedom that comes from you telling him about it yourself. God loves you so much. He knows that this process of repentance is not easy but that it will bring you such freedom and wholeness. He’s not there to bring judgement to you in that moment, he’s there to comfort you and love you through it.
Choosing Jesus Is Having Faith to Believe
Believing that God raised Jesus from death takes faith. But it’s this faith that ushers in your new life. By believing that God raised Jesus from the dead, you take your stand that God is powerful enough to defeat death. And by accepting this, you accept that he has given you new life too. A life no longer controlled by your thoughts and desires, but one submitted to him and his ways.
Choosing Jesus Is Your Best Decision
Becoming a Christian is the best decision you can ever make. It doesn’t necessarily make your life easier. What it does give you, however, is a life far fuller than anything you have ever experienced before.
Following Jesus brings peace and joy to your life that cannot be received any other way. It brings comfort that you’re not alone and certain hope that when Jesus returns, you will be welcomed as one of his own. Christians have the assurance of forgiveness, a life of hope and peace, and knowing they have an eternity with God waiting for them.
If you’ve decided to follow Jesus today, the best thing you can do next is find a community of other Christian’s to join. If you need help finding a local church in the UK, the find a church directory may help. Click here to access it.