Resource Library

Who is this Jesus Anyway?

Who is this Jesus anyway and what does this mean for me?

Getting started in Christianity

What is a Christain?

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it just a way of life or something more?

Choosing Jesus

Becoming a Christian – How to say yes to Jesus

Other Articles…

Planning a Party?

If all all I have is seed, then planting is giving up today’s bread for…


Baking with Jesus

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough…


Downloads Centre…

Kids bible worksheet

Coming soon…Walking your children through God’s Armour

Free devo

Coming soon…Free devotional on overcoming anxiety

Active advent

Coming soon…Want an active advent activity.Look no further

Something else?

Got a question…

Got a question? The answer may just be in the archive. If not, pop us an email, your question might just appear in the next article.

Find a local church…

Being in a local church is so important for your faith. Find a church is a UK church directory to help you find your church family.

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