Keep Pouring

“When you empty yourself of you, God fills you up with more of Him.”

Living a life of faith is messy.
Like the widow in the story of Elisha who poured out the last of her oil into the jars in front of her (you can find her story in 2 Kings 4:1-7), all God asks is that you pour out what little you have. When you empty yourself of you, He fills you up with more of Him.
Some days as I continue to pour out, I get to the point where it feels like I have no more jars left to fill and my oil won’t last another day, but God calls me to keep pouring.
Pour until the last jar is full and keep pouring. Pour until the oil is running over my feet and onto the kitchen floor. Live a life of faith that sticks to every place you place your feet the same as oil coats what it touches and transfers to every surface. It is water resistant so is a killer to wash out of fabrics.
God wants this world saturated in His glory, His goodness, His grace and His peace. Our job is not to be all of that, just up let it pour out of our lives to those around us.
Take off the perfect smile, strip back the show home to the cluttered cupboards beneath the surface. We were never called to be perfect. That’s Jesus’ job. We are called to grow more into his likeness not because we are Him but because we reflect him to the world around us.
Keep on pouring.

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