Is My Faith Big Enough?

The power of a seed is not found in its size, but in its potential. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus lets His followers know that with faith the size of the mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to fall into the sea (paraphrased).

I’ve realised of late that faith is a gift…and it’s also a choice. I can be given a wonderful gift from a loved one, but it’s up to me to open it and enjoy it. It’s the same with faith. It is a gift. But it’s a gift that grows and increases the more that I use it.

So how do I quantify how big my faith is and how large my mountain is? And is my faith big enough for the mountain in front of me? When we start to measure the size of our faith seed against the size of our mountain we can stumble into a difficulty. We can start to measure what God can do based on what we have and can do. As though God is dependant on us and the faith that we have. When we do this we can start to get our perspective of Heavenly authority wrong and set ourselves and our difficulties to a superior position than God. “But what if my faith isn’t big enough?” If we start to question the effectiveness of our faith, we start to question the sufficiency of God to provide and lead us.

Remember, faith is a gift…and a choice. If we start to think that our faith isn’t big enough, we start to say that God’s gift isn’t good enough. In Philippians 4:19 the bible says “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”. We need to start basing what we can achieve from the place of what God can do and put God back in His rightful superior place in our lives.

The power of a seed is not found in its size, but in its potential. The faith God has given you right now IS BIG ENOUGH, no matter how big your mountain is or how small your seed is.

The times in my life when God has moved most powerfully, were not the times I felt my faith was big enough, but the times where all I had left was the tiniest scraps of faith.

Take heart dear children of God. We have a good God who gives good gifts to His children. The power of a seed is not found in its size, but in its potential. Your seed right now IS big enough.

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